Ask Jude

You Answer

Dear Readers,

This is Jude speaking. I was wondering if you guys had any advice for the question below. Please email me at my email, which is in the "Home" section and the "Email Me" section. Thanks!




Dear Jude,
       There is this guy named Fredward Von Turner who says he hates me. I am not sure if this is true because I have heard that if a guy says he doesn't like you than he really does, but Fredward really seems not to like me. I am not sure if he is sending me mixed signals or not. Please help me, Jude!
Sincerely, Confuzzled


Your Answers:

Dear Confuzzled,

Usually when a boy keeps on telling you he hates you is because he wants to get your attention. Sometimes boys act silly when they like you and might say mean or weird things. Just don't look too hurt when he says mean things and be yourself!

Sincerely, A Helper


Dear Confuzzled,

If he is insulting you, insult him back! You will know if he likes you if he seems hurt. A suggested insult is, "What kind of name is Fredward?". Hope I helped you!

Sc, A concerned friend